This blog is going to get rebooted a bit in the next few days. I haven't abandoned this! I actually had the next post on mechanics interplay about half-written, before I got completely distracted by Mass Effect last year. As it turns out, I'm likely to be recycling that into an Ides talk in a month, so I'll post a version of that talk here afterwards.
The more interesting thing is that also within the last year, I ended up collaboratively writing a tabletop system based on the Persona universe. Which taught me a lot of things. And which now leads me to the most relevant part for this blog.
I'm currently in the beginning steps of writing an original tabletop system and setting from the ground up and have decided to do something similar to the Atlus Production Diaries in this blog. I'll basically be recording the game design process as I go. Since this is a blog, I'll be able to answer questions and respond to commentary.
At the very least, I hope it will be somewhat entertaining.